EducationMatters is proud to support our students’ endeavors at the provincial and national Skills Competitions. Skills provides students with an aptitude for trades and technical subjects to really shine and further hone their skills. 15% of Canada’s labour force population are actively employed as skilled trades people, with all provinces in need of further talent Continue Reading »
From the excited faces and camaraderie at the St. Patty’s Fun Day, it’s hard to imagine that three years ago such an event wouldn’t have happened at Discovering Choices School. Youth Central began the Youth Council at Discovering Choices in 2009. A grant from EducationMatters in 2011 has allowed the council to continue to grow Continue Reading »
With injustices happening all around the world, the Social Justice Program at Dr. Gladys McKelvie Egbert School allowed grade nine students to take a stance and drive change in their communities on issues such as peer pressure, alcohol use, bullying, and body image. The program gives students the opportunity to brainstorm, select, investigate, document and Continue Reading »
People often say ‘teachers aren’t as committed to students as they were when I was a kid’; well the teachers at Queen Elizabeth High School are proving that is a myth. It’s the teachers and staff who are the core of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program Development Team, led by learning Leader Continue Reading »
UPDATE: Thanks to EducationMatters’ support, as of 2017 the artifacts housed in the Circle of Nations Museum have been relocated to the Niitsitapi Learning Centre, a Preschool to Grade 2 unique program that teaches the Alberta Program of Studies through a diversity of First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences. The school is excited Continue Reading »
Second grade Connaught School student Charvi loves her school’s library. “Books, books, books, books, books!” she squeals. “It has all the books!” Connaught School has an 83 per cent ELL (English Language Learner) student population, and finding books that are engaging for students while appropriately supporting their learning needs can be challenging. Dual Language books Continue Reading »
Emily Follensbee School specializes in providing educational programs for students (aged 2 years 8 months to 13 years) of age, with multiple, complex learning needs. Operation Communication was designed to promote educational and social opportunities for the school’s special needs students who are nonverbal and present with complex physical access needs through the use of Continue Reading »
When was the last time you spoke with an astronaut? The answer from 40 high school students at Winston Churchill may surprise you. Launched in 2008, the NASA & Global NetGeneration of Youth (NGY-NASA-SWC), a unique multi-year educational initiative with two American schools, NASA, the International Space Station, corporate, government and community based partners, is Continue Reading »
The Louise Dean School (LDS) is a high school for pregnant and parenting teenage girls. 30 percent of LDS students are of Aboriginal descent; the Aboriginal Leadership and Connection Circle Program at the Louise Dean School is intended to help girls who are vulnerable in society and have an increased risk of dropping out of Continue Reading »
Literacy is a crucial life skill and an important step toward the Calgary Board of Education’s Mega End goal: “each student, in keeping with his or her individual abilities and gifts, will complete high school with a foundation of learning to function effectively in life, work and continued learning.” The CBE’s Aboriginal Families Learning Together Continue Reading »
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