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Bree Eriksen Memorial Dance Award

By | March 9, 2023

The Bree Eriksen Memorial Dance Award was created to honor the memory of Bree Eriksen who died tragically in 2001. Bree grew up dancing in Calgary and received numerous awards; she also attended the University of Calgary where she completed her Kinesiology degree. Bree’s passion was dance, and upon graduation she worked for Princess Cruise  Continue Reading »

Inspiring Immigrant Award

By | March 9, 2023

This award was established to encourage Calgary Board of Education refugee or immigrant students who have come to Canada within the last five years to continue their education to achieve success in their new lives and careers. Donor Anonymously contributed through EducationMatters Where Tenable Calgary Board of Education Field of Study Unrestricted Value $1,000 Number  Continue Reading »

Marjorie Taylor Memorial Scholarship

By | March 9, 2023

The Bow Valley Music Club is a not-for-profit society providing an annual series of live musical concerts primarily in the folk music style.  Marjorie Taylor was a founding member and hard-working active volunteer for the Club until her passing in 1999. The members of the Bow Valley Music Club are very proud to offer this  Continue Reading »

Hal Winlaw Health & Nutrition Legacy Award

By | March 9, 2023

He was a guide and an inspiration to many. We honour Hal Winlaw, our family, our friend, and our teacher. Hal was a high school guidance counsellor with the Calgary school board for over 35 years. He was passionate about exploring the inner self. This was evident in his role as a leader, honouring and  Continue Reading »

Haworth & Heritage Business Interiors Architecture/Interior Design Scholarship

By | March 9, 2023

Haworth and Heritage Business Interiors (HBI) created a scholarship to encourage students to develop talents in architecture and interior design. Education has always been a driving force at Haworth and it remains a cornerstone. Continuous learning and valuing our world have defined our business behaviour, influenced our decisions and communicated our brand. We believe that  Continue Reading »

Arrata Family Award For New Canadians

By | March 9, 2023

This innovative award was launched in 2008 by the Said Arrata family for new Canadians transitioning to post-secondary studies or trades. CBE teachers and specialists have identified the need for this type of award as the number of ESL/permanent resident students grows significantly each year in Calgary, where every high school has some percentage of  Continue Reading »

Kermet Archibald & Jacoba Van den Brink Entrance Bursary

By | March 9, 2023

Honouring their mothers, Tony and Kay Van den Brink established this bursary in recognition of students who have qualifications to continue on to post-secondary but do not have the financial means. They wish the scholarship to follow the students to their choice of academic institution to cover the cost of tuition, books and other needs.  Continue Reading »

Benjamin (Ben) Albert Award

By | March 9, 2023

Ben Albert understood the importance of education and the positive impact sports has in a person’s life. Ben had a passion and drive to excel academically and in sport. He proved you could be a top student but also participate and succeed in sports at the same time. The Benjamin (Ben) Albert Legacy Award was  Continue Reading »

Fogolâr Furlan Di Calgary Italian Award

By | March 9, 2023

The Fogolâr Furlan di Calgary is an association whose members originate from the culturally and linguistically unique region of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Northeastern Itay. The founding members of the Fogolâr Furlan di Calgary wanted a better life for themselves and for their children. They worked hard for the interests of their families and considered  Continue Reading »

Thomas Moore Memorial Bursary

By | March 9, 2023

Originally established in 1993 for students of the Plains Indians Cultural Survival School, this award for Indigenous, Métis and Inuit students was transferred to the EducationMatters in 2005. The purpose of this award is to encourage Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit students, who have demonstrated involvement in their school and communities, to pursue post-secondary education. Donor  Continue Reading »