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James Fowler School Award

By | February 23, 2018

Established in 2009 through an estate gift, this prize is offered to students of James Fowler High School and is awarded to students who have demonstrated diligence, perseverance, and commitment. Donor Estate of Robert E. Burns Where Tenable James Fowler High School Field of Study Unrestricted Value $400 Number One Eligibility Open to students registered  Continue Reading »

Everett and Mitchell Code Scholarship

By | February 23, 2018

Success in athletics and academics takes discipline, drive, desire, responsibility, resilience, selflessness and leadership that, together, create a solid foundation for success in all aspects of life. Established in 2017 by the Code family, this award honours a Crescent Heights student who showed dedication to both their academic and athletic pursuits and will assist the  Continue Reading »

Emmalee Cherweniuk Award

By | February 23, 2018

This award, established in loving memory of Emmalee Cherweniuk, is intended to recognize a well- rounded/multi-dimensional student at Lord Beaverbrook High School or Joane Cardinal-Schubert High School who embodies leadership, teamwork, determination and a positive attitude through their participation in both athletics and fine arts. Donor Family and Friends of Emmalee Cherweniuk Where Tenable Lord Beaverbrook  Continue Reading »

DHH Program Potential Award

By | February 23, 2018

Donor Queen Elizabeth High School Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program & program supporters Where Tenable Queen Elizabeth High School Field of Study Unrestricted Value Variable Number Unrestricted Eligibility Open to students registered in grade 12 with strong academic merit and a commitment to lifelong learning. To be considered for this award, applicants must: Have  Continue Reading »

Aaron Family Scholarship

By | February 23, 2018

This award was established by the Aaron Family in appreciation of the education their children received at Western Canada High School. Donor Aaron Family Where Tenable Western Canada High School (WCHS) Field of Study Theatre or Technical Theatre Value $650 Number One Eligibility Open to students registered in grade 12 who are completing the requirements  Continue Reading »

Steven Irving Memorial Music Scholarship

By | February 23, 2018

The Steven Irving Memorial Music Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of Steven Irving, a gifted musician who attended Bowness Senior High School between 1993 and 1996.  His love for and appreciation of all types of music was demonstrated by his involvement in the Bowness Concert and Jazz Bands, where he played saxophone and keyboard.  Continue Reading »

Rick Theriault Outstanding Athletic Contribution Award

By | February 23, 2018

Established in 2009 in memory of Rick Theriault, teacher and mentor, who encouraged students to participate in the athletic community of Lester B. Pearson High School. Rick valued all students, and understood the need to feel a part of something bigger, to empower them to reach for their dreams. Donor Holly Theriault Where Tenable Lester  Continue Reading »

Laine Mcleod Memorial Scholarship

By | February 23, 2018

Laine Alexandra McLeod was an outstanding student who loved school and did her very best in all her endeavours. She was thoughtful of others, and the first to step forward to help someone in need. Laine was good-natured and had a terrific sense of humour. She liked to have fun and was a good friend.  Continue Reading »

Gary Weimann Award For Community Service

By | February 23, 2018

Gary Weimann was an active parent at GP Vanier involved with the school at many levels, including Chair on the Parent Council for many years. A loving father and husband, Gary lived what he believed – giving of himself and his time to the communities he lived in – his family, his children’s school and  Continue Reading »