This innovative award was launched in 2008 by the Said Arrata family for new Canadians transitioning to post-secondary studies or trades. CBE teachers and specialists have identified the need for this type of award as the number of ESL/permanent resident students grows significantly each year in Calgary, where every high school has some percentage of foreign-born students. This award serves to inspire new Canadian students to complete high school and achieve academic success. It will also give hope to students of immigrant families who face economic challenges.
Arrata Family
Where Tenable
Calgary Board of Education
Field of Study
Open to foreign-born students registered in a CBE institution for the full grade 12 year, who have been attending a Canadian high school for at least two years, and who are completing the requirements of a high school diploma within 15 months of graduation. Applicants must have demonstrated academic progress in grade 12, and have intent to obtain their Canadian citizenship and to pursue post-secondary education. Applicants are new Canadians (within 2-5 years) (permanent residents). Applicants must have demonstrated financial need.
Applicants are required to submit an essay of approximately 500 words on their origins and arrival in Canada, some of the challenges they have faced as a learner in a new country, and what their plans are for further education.
Selection will be based on academic merit, financial need and the essay.
Online application available at Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.
Selection & Payment
Recipients are selected by September. To claim the award, within eighteen (18) months (with option to extend) of achieving the high school diploma the recipient must be registered in an eligible program of post-secondary study of at least two years duration. Preference will be given to students attending institutions in Alberta.
Payments are made to the post-secondary institutions.
May 30