Originally established as a historical award by the “Aunts and Uncles at Large” and their donors, this scholarship recognizes graduating students who have been mentees of, or mentors for, the organization.


Big Brothers Big Sisters and various donors

Where Tenable           

Calgary Board of Education and Calgary Catholic School District (City of Calgary schools only)

Field of Study          







Open to students registered in grade 12 who are completing the requirements of a high school diploma. Applicants must have attained marks sufficient for entrance to a post-secondary area of study.

Applicants are required to submit an original essay, of approximately 500 words, describing their past or present involvement with Big Brothers Big Sisters and how it has made an impact on their life. The essay should also include information about the applicant’s future plans and aspirations.

If applicable, applicants are encouraged to provide a statement outlining their need for financial assistance.

Selection will be based on the essay and, when provided, the financial assistance statement.


Online application available at www.educationmatters.ca. Applicants should check with their Guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.

Selection & Payment

Recipients are selected by September by the EducationMatters Student Award Selection Committee and may include representatives of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

To claim the award, within twelve (12) months of notification of award, the recipient must be registered in an eligible program of post-secondary study in Canada or an eligible skilled trades or apprenticeship program. Payments are made to the post-secondary institution.


May 30