In honoring the unwavering commitment and leadership Ernie Tsu has exemplified while coaching the senior
women’s volleyball team at Western Canada, this award is presented to a senior female volleyball player who
has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and coachability throughout the season.


Friends of Ernie Tsu

Where Tenable

Western Canada High School

Field of Study







Open to members of the senior women’s volleyball team at Western Canada High School registered in grade 12 who are completing the requirements of a high school diploma. Applicants must exemplify the following criteria for leadership qualities:

 Commitment and Dedication
 Resilience and Perseverance
 Discipline
 Teamwork and Cooperation
 Coachability

A strong preference will be given to a student-athlete planning to pursue volleyball at the post-secondary level; however, this is not mandatory. While academic achievement and volleyball skills will be evaluated, the primary criterion for this scholarship is the demonstration of exceptional leadership qualities Applicants are required to submit an essay of approximately 250-500 words describing their suitability for this award.

A reference from any sport coach or mentor students have worked closely with during their sport development is also required.


Online application available at Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.

Selection & Payment

Recipients are selected in May by staff at Western Canada High School in consultation with EducationMatters, and possibly the donors. To claim the award, within twelve (12) months of notification of award, the recipient must be registered in an eligible program of post-secondary study.


May 1