A Crescent Heights High School graduate, Joan Ethier has a passion for encouraging women to study and pursue careers in the Sciences. The scholarship will be awarded to students identifying as female in the Calgary Board of Education pursuing Science or Engineering degree studies, or a degree in Information or Computer Systems in any faculty in Canada. This award will be granted with a preference to students graduating from Crescent Heights High School; however, it is open to all students in the Calgary Board of Education who identify as female.
Joan Ethier
Where Tenable
Crescent Heights High School or, if no suitable candidates, all Calgary Board of Education (CBE) High Schools
Field of Study
Information or Computer Systems, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology or Astronomy in any Canadian degree granting institution
The value of the award will be distributed as the equivalent of one half of the tuition, excluding General Fees, as determined by the Faculty of Science in the University of Calgary for each of the recipient’s first two years at university. Receipt of the Award for the second year will be contingent upon obtaining a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the first year. Note that the award is open to recipients attending any Canadian degree granting institution.
A minimum of one award
Preference will be given to students at Crescent Heights High School, although, in the absence of suitable candidates, the award will be open to all students in the CBE who identify as female. Candidates must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents, registered in grade 12 and completing the requirements of a high school diploma that will qualify them for post‐secondary education.
Applicants must show strong aptitude and interest in Science and subsequently register in a program of study leading to a degree in a Faculty of Science, Engineering or Information or Computer Systems.
Applicants must demonstrate significant financial need. In addition, having held/holding a part‐time job or summer employment is highly desirable.
Applicants are required to submit letters of reference, preferably from a school official such as a Science teacher. Applicants are also encouraged to submit letters of reference from employers or a community leader who can attest to their interest and aptitude in science and/or their financial need.
Applicants must have demonstrated positive citizenship qualities by volunteering in the school and/or community.
Selection will be based on a balance of aptitude/interest in the sciences, financial need and school/community involvement with the Award not necessarily going to the candidate with the highest marks.
Online application available at www.educationmatters.ca. Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.
Selection & Payment
Recipients are selected and notified by fall. To claim the award, beginning within eighteen
(18) months of notification of award, the recipient must be registered in a program at a Canadian degree granting institution of at least three years duration and leading to a degree in one of the indicated fields of study. Payments are made to the post‐secondary institution upon proof of registration in equal installments with confirmation of enrollment during each academic term.
A Payment Activation Form must be received no later than three (3) months after the beginning of each academic term.
Deadline: May 1