Established in 2009 in memory of Rick Theriault, teacher and mentor, who encouraged students to participate in the athletic community of Lester B. Pearson High School. Rick valued all students, and understood the need to feel a part of something bigger, to empower them to reach for their dreams.


Holly Theriault

Where Tenable

Lester B. Pearson High School

Field of Study







Open to students registered in grade 12 at Lester B. Pearson who are completing the requirements of a high school diploma.

Applicants must have demonstrated academic progress in grade 12, marks sufficient for high school graduation, and must have demonstrated special contribution in the athletic community while at Lester B. Pearson High School.

Applicants are required to submit an original essay of approximately 500 words on the theme “How Participation in athletics has influenced your high school experience.

Applicants are required to submit one letter of reference. Letter may be provided from a school official, coach/mentor, or a community leader representing a community-based organization, demonstrating the applicant’s special contribution in the athletic community.

Selection will be based on the athletic contribution, essay, and reference.


Online application available at Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.

Selection & Payment

School-specific. Recipients will be notified after May 30th. The Awards Selection Committee will include two school representatives, one each from the Athletics department and the school scholarship coordinator’s office and a representative from EducationMatters. It may also include the Donor or his/her delegate. The award will be announced at the annual Pearson Athletic Awards evening in June. Payments are made to the post-secondary institution upon confirmation of enrolment within one year of notification of award.
