Established in 1985 in memory of Shawn Whitney, a student at Crescent Heights High School and a former student at Dr. Gordon Higgins Junior High School who loved to play basketball.


Robert Whitney

Where Tenable

Dr. Gordon Higgins Junior High School

Field of Study

Basketball camp or similar athletic/recreational activity


Up to $250


Minimum of two awards (preferably one male, one female)


Open to students registered in Grade 9 at Dr. Gordon Higgins Junior High School who are registered to attend basketball camp to further develop their skills and knowledge in basketball. If no Grade 9 candidates are available, Grade 8 students may be considered for this award. Students may only win the award once.

The award is a cash award specifically designated to cover the registration fee, transportation costs and related incidental costs to attend the camp. The selection committee is authorized to identify an alternative athletic/recreational activity that provides a positive, wholesome growth experience for a Grade 9 student if basketball camp is not available to that student.


Online application available at Applicants who are able to attend summer basketball camp should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their junior high school.

Selection & Payment

The Selection Committee will consist of the school principal and/or assistant principal, a representative of the physical education and/or coaching staff, and one to two teachers who have knowledge of the applicant(s), and one representative from EducationMatters (the principal is responsible for appointing the teacher representatives on the Committee).


The award is issued as repayment of expenses incurred for basketball camp, including the registration fee, transportation costs and related incidental costs to attend camp. Student must submit a report of expenses to the school by September 30 of the year in which camp was attended. Expenses are submitted for reimbursement to the Grants and Student Awards Officer, EducationMatters at 1221-8 St SW Calgary, AB T2R 0L4.

Alternatively, students may request payment in advance of the course. Proof of registration must be supplied and payment will be made directly to the institution providing the camp.


April 30