This award was established in memory and in honour of Tanner Montana, a former student at Henry Wise Wood High School. This award is presented to a student who has shown their exemplary acts of kindness towards another student(s). Through their kindness, this student will have shown empathy and compassion in respect to their peers which will have improved their well-being.


Ann and Katie Montana

Where Tenable

Henry Wise Wood High School

Field of Study







Open to students registered at Henry Wise Wood High School.

The old saying, “It’s the little things that count” factors heavily in the creation of a culture of care. Holding the door open for someone, greeting people by name in the hallway, stopping to help pick up a dropped notebook, or showing concern when someone is having a bad day – all these moments combine to create a pro-social school environment that offers multiple additional benefits including improving one’s mental health.

Students are asked to share their “kindness story” of how they’ve demonstrated exemplary acts of kindness, including examples of how they’ve helped their fellow classmates through a written letter or video. The story or video should also include how the student plans to use the funds if they are the successful recipient.

Selection will be based on the “kindness story”.


Online application available at Applicants should check with their guidance office for more information and are encouraged to discuss their application with the Scholarship Coordinator at their high school.

Selection & Payment

Recipients will be selected by the end of June. The selection committee shall include the donors or a designated representative. EducationMatters will provide the funds to Henry Wise Wood High School for distribution.


May 1