Pie Junkie and EducationMatters are teaming up this Pi Day to provide math resources for CBE students!
Between March 3-14 when you buy a gift certificate on the Pie Junkie website and add the note ‘CBELOVESPi‘ in to the comments section, Pie Junkie will donate 20% of your gift certificate purchase to projects and initiatives to help students succeed in math.

Full disclosure – I’m mildly obsessed with pie (my birthplace is the home of the World Pie Eating Championship where locals are known colloquially as ‘Pie Eaters’), so this partnership is a dream come true for me. Typically on March 14 (3.14, like Pi!) I gently cajole the EducationMatters staff in to a pie potluck. The last normal photo of 2020 on my phone is literally me, my colleagues, and pies.
Obviously, this year there will be no pie potluck <sob>, and I am responsible for providing my own assortment of pies. Thankfully Jo-Ann and Nancy at Pie Junkie have gallantly come to my rescue with an irresistible offer – buy one of their gift certificates, treat myself to pie, and see 20% of my purchase come back to EducationMatters to support math initiatives.
This offer is available from March 3-14 – just head over to www.piejunkie.ca, add a gift certificate to your cart, head to the checkout, and on the payment information screen add ‘CBELOVESPi’ into the comment box.

Gift certificates are emailed automatically and can be used immediately, to place a pre-order for Pi Day, or saved for later. Pi Day is Pie Junkie’s busiest day of the year, so if you plan on indulging on the day itself, it is highly recommended to pre-order to avoid disappointment. Pies can be picked up at one of their three locations in Kensington/Spruce Cliff/Wildwood, or Mahogany, or can be delivered across YYC.
This Pi day you can have your pie, eat it, and help students master math! Easy as pie (or is that Pi?).