Belfast School

We wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news regarding our Belfast Parent Fundraising Society fundraising activities for our school this year. In an effort to maximize the impact of our fundraising initiatives and make it more convenient for everyone, we have decided to streamline our efforts and focus on one major fundraiser for the year. This means that instead of multiple smaller fundraisers, we will have a single fundraiser using the EducationMatters platform. Using this platform allows for your full donation to go directly to the school (3.5% used for administration). You will also be issued a tax receipt for your donation with any donation over $20.00.

We hope that our extended Belfast community can help us reach our fundraising goal of $5,000.00 by the end of the school year, with an initial goal of raising $3,500 by December 31st to use this school year. Some of the initiatives we hope to support are:
– Belfast school t-shirt
– School ground optimization
– Clubs and wellness initiatives

Please feel free to donate any amount, whatever you may have spent on smaller fundraisers this year like the chocolates or flowers – or any amount that your family is comfortable with. Every donation makes a difference and goes directly to the school. Even though we have a December goal, this fundraising page will be open for the entire school year, so feel free to donate at any time.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Please provide your contact and payment information below. Your contact details are required to generate an electronic tax receipt, which will be sent to the email address that you provide. EducationMatters is a charitable registration #898887005RR0001. Tax receipts will be provided for donations greater than $20.