As part of Highwood School Council’s fundraising initiatives to support Highwood School’s needs and events, we are launching our annual donation campaign via CBE Education Matters
96.5% of the money raised through these donations goes directly to the school and students. Funds raised may be used for school and teacher needs, such as technology, library books, school events, and supplying educational materials and teaching resources.
In our 2023-2024 fundraising campaign, Highwood School Council raised $9,647. Funds went towards classroom resources, student yearbooks, Sports Day, farewell books, and diversity books.
We understand these may be very challenging times for many Highwood families with the rising costs of almost everything. We are grateful for any donation that you are able to give and understand if, under your circumstances, you are unable to do so this year. With your help, our goal this year is to raise at least $50 per student, but donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Please note that this will be the only form of fundraising that the Highwood School Council will be doing. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20.00 and over.
海伍德学校家长理事会正在发起年度捐款活动,来支持海伍德学校学生年度经费 。
捐款筹集资金的 96.5%都将直接用于海伍德学校及学生身上,以满足学校和老师的工作需求,例如电脑维护更新、图书馆新书、 学校活动日 、户外教学、教学资源、教具。在2023-2024学年的捐款活动中,海伍德学校家长理事会共筹集了$9,647 加币。这笔款项直接用于了课堂教学资源、学生年刊、运动日、毕业纪念册和多元文化图书。
可能对于许多海伍德家庭来说,目前捐款可能具有一定挑战,因为几乎所有物资成本都在上涨。如果您今年无法捐款,我们表示理解。 在您的帮助下,我们今年的目标是为每位学生筹集至少 50 加元,但是无论金额多少,您要是能捐款,海伍德学校家长理事会都将不胜感激。
海伍德学校家长理事会 敬启