By Alicia Hope-Ross | December 20, 2021
This year’s donation campaign is mainly online and is now live. Your donations to Marion Carson School would be greatly appreciated in support of students, special events and school needs. This year’s donations can be made online through EducationMatters or by Text (EdMatters MARION to 30333). Your hard-earned dollars for this year’s campaign may be used towards Continue Reading »
By EducationMatters | December 14, 2021
Nev was a dedicated teacher, coach, and assistant principal of Ernest Manning High School. In memory of his passion for sport and his students, his family is requesting donations in his memory to help support sports programming at Ernest Manning. Please provide your contact and payment information below. Your contact details are required to Continue Reading »
By EducationMatters | November 16, 2021
Thank you for investing in Sir John A. Macdonald students! Taking care of each other is a hallmark of our community and we are so thankful for the ongoing support from our parents, neighbours, and local businesses. The past few years have been especially difficult for many of our families, and we want to provide Continue Reading »
By Alicia Hope-Ross | November 4, 2021
As part of Highwood School Council’s fundraising initiatives to support Highwood School’s needs and events, we are launching our annual donation campaign via CBE Education Matters 96.5% of the money raised through these donations goes directly to the school and students. Funds raised may be used for school and teacher needs, such as technology, library books, school Continue Reading »
By Alicia Hope-Ross | October 8, 2021
To foster fun, sportsmanship, and physical activity, Dr George Stanley’s Parent Council is raising funds to add walls to the Gaga platforms and to install an outdoor 9 Square in the Air structure. Gaga is a fast paced, high energy sport played in an octagonal pit and is dubbed a kinder, gentler version of dodgeball. Continue Reading »
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