The 2020 school year saw a brand new Safety Credentialing Program for students in pre-employment programs. Thanks to ConocoPhillips’ investment, graduates are more employable and less likely to be involved in a workplace accident.

Pre-employment programs are a great option for students looking to enter the workforce at an apprentice level immediately after graduation; prior to ConocoPhillips’ support, graduating students needed to pay for their own safety tickets or wait for an employer willing to invest in them on their behalf. The cost of all the necessary tickets can easily total several hundred dollars, which can be an enormous barrier for some students.

Despite several interruptions from COVID 19, over 130 safety courses were completed by students in pre-employment programs, with even more due to undertake the programming in 2021/22. Last year saw First Aid, ACTI Ariel Platform, Fall Arrest/Protection, and Ethics courses undertaken by more than 70 students; next year Confined Spaces and H2S Alive courses will also be offered to provide even more opportunities to graduate workforce-ready.

Students are already feeling the benefit of having access to programs with an increase in employment offers for graduates, and all students reporting feeling more confident in their ability to transition from education to employment.

EducationMatters is so grateful to have ConocoPhillips as a partner in our efforts to help students graduate ready to thrive in their chosen careers and live happy, healthy, fulfilling lives!