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Tag Archives: Alberta
Donate to CBE School Field Trips

Thousands of students in our city miss out on field trips due to circumstances beyond their control, and EducationMatters is committed to ensuring that field trips are accessible to all students regardless of family situation, ability level, or financial need. When you donate to this field trip campaign you are giving students the gift of Continue Reading »
Guided Reading Books for Mandarin Bilingual Program

With the rise of technology our world is becoming increasingly smaller; today’s students are truly global citizens, and having an understanding and appreciation of different cultures is enormously beneficial. Bilingual programming is one way to help prepare students for a wealth of opportunities post-graduation, and Calgary Board of Education (CBE) schools have an ever-increasing range Continue Reading »
A Colourful Courtyard at John A. MacDonald

The Jason and Jane Louie Memorial Fund was established to honour and celebrate the memory two former Sir John A. MacDonald students; today, their memory remains alive throughout the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) community as a reminder of the importance of kindness and friendship. The Jason and Jane Louie Memorial Fund at EducationMatters provided Continue Reading »
How Robotics Can Develop Skills for the Future

You may be wondering what a robotics program is, or how is it significant to student learning. Robotics is an interdisciplinary brand of science that involves engineering the conception, design and operations of mechanical robots. Sounds like a mouthful, right? Well it is – and students are able to transfer their knowledge in STEM (science, Continue Reading »
Elementary School Students Learn Indigenous Stories Through Art

Photo Credit: CBC News Indigenous culture is a cornerstone of Canada’s identity. In Alberta, all students learn about the history and legacy of the Indigenous peoples to honour the commitment made to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to understand an important part of our country’s past. Traditionally, the teachings of the Indigenous peoples are Continue Reading »
Literacy in North Calgary – Sir John Franklin School

“For the first time in many years I was excited to pick up a book. I always felt nervous to read in front of others before, but this time it was ok. It was better than ok. I felt good to talk about the book and share it in front of my friends.”
Creating Special Spaces for Keeler’s CSSI Students

When a child has mild to severe autism, their environment can have a very strong effect on their ability to learn and thrive. Located in the southeast, Keeler elementary school hosts a Communication, Sensory, and Social Interaction (CSSI) program that provides learning environments for students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Continue Reading »
Building the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs at A.E. Cross School

. Running a successful retail operation is not easy, but once staff and students took their retail project on, additional career building opportunities resulted for several A.E. Cross Junior High School students. The Opportunities in Business program was launched at the school in 2015. The aim was to provide students in the Business 9 Continue Reading »
TELUS Supports Maker Space at West View School

West View School is a high impact program for the most complex youth in our high school education system; young offenders housed in a maximum security facility (The Calgary Young Offenders’ Centre – CYOC). CYOC operates under the administration of the Correctional Services Division (Alberta Justice) and can accommodate approximately 155 youth ranging in age Continue Reading »
Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess

It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess on September 2, 2016. Dr. Hess passed away peacefully at the age of 100. Dr. Hess was awarded the Calgary Board of Educations Distinguished Alumni award in 2007, and leaves an incredible legacy of supporting various causes through Continue Reading »