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Tag Archives: CBEStaff
The iGEM Project Team at Ted Harrison School

The students and staff at Ted Harrison School have developed a new program based on the International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) competition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. iGEM is an annual synthetic biology competition that integrates science with other disciplines and involves teams from around the world. This program gives students the opportunity to Continue Reading »
Woodlands School: Transitions Program

The elementary Transitions Program (grades 1-6) at Woodlands School is designed for students who have significant internalizing mental health issues, which severely impact their ability to attend school and/or benefit from a regular classroom placement. The Transitions Program is a collaborative partnership between the Calgary Board of Education (CBE), Alberta Health Services (AHS), and Woods Continue Reading »
G.W. Skene School: Playground Build

A playground build, the urban equivalence to a barn rising, was built October 2013 at G.W. Skene School. This rebuild will be a collaborative effort thanks to the KaBOOM! Organization (KaBOOM!), The Foresters Group, and the Calgary Learning Village Collaborative. KaBOOM! is the national non-profit dedicated to giving kids the childhood they deserve Continue Reading »
Louise Dean School: Baby Tales

Baby Tales is a unique program specifically tailored to students at Louise Dean School; the main focus is emergent literacy, with the target audience being high-risk adolescent mothers (pregnant or parenting). We recognize that children raised with literacy face fewer challenges as they enter a formal school system. Baby Tales is a weekly, themed-based Continue Reading »
King George Elementary School: Century of Sustainable Living Under the Prairie Sky

Alberta is a province with a vast history and prosperous future. King George Elementary School plans on adding to Alberta’s legacy through the eye of talented young artists. “A Century of Sustainable Living Under the Prairie Sky: A Visual Arts Heritage Project” is an initiative that encourages students to reflect on Alberta’s heritage and sustainable Continue Reading »
Dr. EP Scarlett High School: Resilience Program

Being a high school student can be hectic on its own without additional social stresses. Dr E.P Scarlett High School is able to provide their students with additional support thanks to the Resilience Program. This program provides students with support through three initiatives. These three initiatives include the Healthy Relationships Initiative, the Resilience Award Continue Reading »
Connaught School: Connaught Discovery Centre

Connaught School develops academic success and English language proficiency by providing personalized learning. The school serves children from 51 countries who speak 41 languages; 82 per cent of whom are English language learners. The Connaught Discovery Centre (CDC) provides extra help to those students who have experienced trauma , and who have difficulties Continue Reading »
Simon Fraser Middle School: ELL Technology Initiative

Advancements, like iPads, are allowing schools to effectively integrate technology into the classroom. These tools allow students participating in the English Language Learners (ELL) program at Simon Fraser Middle School the ability to independently seek out language support at their own level. The ELL Technology Initiative program utilizes advancements in technology to create an individual Continue Reading »
Tribute to Pat Cochrane

“I believe in public education because it gives every child the opportunity to become the best they can be – regardless of race, gender, religion or economic status.” Pat Cochrane In honour of Pat Cochrane’s 20 year commitment to public education, the EducationMatters Board of Governors has established a fund in her honour. It is Continue Reading »
Bridlewood School Enhancement Fund

Bridlewood School was one of 6 new elementary schools to open in the Calgary Board of Education in September 2010. Bridlewood School is a large, single story accessible building. The modern building is bright, open and constructed to LEED Silver standards (an international environmental building standard). There are 12 classrooms in the core building and Continue Reading »