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A Colourful Courtyard at John A. MacDonald

The Jason and Jane Louie Memorial Fund was established to honour and celebrate the memory two former Sir John A. MacDonald students; today, their memory remains alive throughout the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) community as a reminder of the importance of kindness and friendship. The Jason and Jane Louie Memorial Fund at EducationMatters provided Continue Reading »
Using Music to Improve Reading and Math Skills in Annie Foote School

Xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels – these are just some of the new additions to the music program at Annie Foote School, but the new instruments are not only making their mark in music class. Annie Foote has a large population of students who are English Language Learners (ELL), and finding opportunities for these students to Continue Reading »
How Robotics Can Develop Skills for the Future

You may be wondering what a robotics program is, or how is it significant to student learning. Robotics is an interdisciplinary brand of science that involves engineering the conception, design and operations of mechanical robots. Sounds like a mouthful, right? Well it is – and students are able to transfer their knowledge in STEM (science, Continue Reading »
Niitsitapi Preschoolers Need New Outdoor Play Activities

The Niitsitapi Learning Centre is a unique school that focuses on Early Education for Indigenous students. Children from Kindergarten to Grade Two get a head start on learning while nurturing their cultural background. The Centre teaches the Alberta Program of Studies through First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences. One of EducationMatters’ primary mandates Continue Reading »
Using Monologues and Masks to Spark Mental Health Discussions

Mental health. It is often a difficult subject to broach, compounded by centuries of stigma that still affect the way we view and talk about mental health as a whole. Normalizing the conversation and correcting misinformation and misunderstanding about the topic is the first step towards viewing mental health in the same way we consider Continue Reading »
Elementary School Students Learn Indigenous Stories Through Art

Photo Credit: CBC News Indigenous culture is a cornerstone of Canada’s identity. In Alberta, all students learn about the history and legacy of the Indigenous peoples to honour the commitment made to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and to understand an important part of our country’s past. Traditionally, the teachings of the Indigenous peoples are Continue Reading »
Young Masters Program Enhances CBE’s Art Curriculum

As part of the core curriculum here in Alberta, the arts are an essential element of our students’ education, and providing varied, engaging opportunities for our young people to learn through arts programming is incredibly important to students’ growth. Off-campus learning can have a massive impact on students’ enjoyment and understanding of the arts, but Continue Reading »
Creating Math Excitement: How Tech is Helping

Mathletics! It’s the new online subscription service that donors have made possible at Highwood School for all of its students to help them engage with math concepts, and other students, in new ways.
Generous Scholarship Inspires a Career and a Belief in Others

“As a child I always believed in the kindness of strangers, but with the reality of things going on in my world, I was rudely reminded of how naïve my beliefs were. To be quite honest, I grew up in an environment where people took things. People take and take but rarely give.”
Creating Math Thinking Classrooms

Hesitation. Nervousness. Anxiety. Not exactly the emotions that foster a strong learning environment, but for many students these are unfortunately a first response when presented with new math problems.