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Tag Archives: educationmatters

Bridlewood School Enhancement Fund

Bridlewood School was one of 6 new elementary schools to open in the Calgary Board of Education in September 2010. Bridlewood School is a large, single story accessible building. The modern building is bright, open and constructed to LEED Silver standards (an international environmental building standard). There are 12 classrooms in the core building and  Continue Reading »

West Springs School G.R.O.W.

HELP EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENTS G.R.O.W. GOAL: Raise $30,000 Please support the West Springs School fundraising initiative: Greening the Grounds – Goal $5,000 Ease of access to the playground; including paths, additional seating, seating shelter and vegetation Resident Author & Learning Enhancements -Goal $20,000 Guest authors, speakers and field trip busing Outdoor Enviro-lab Classroom- Goal  Continue Reading »

Campus Calgary 2School Program

Uncover curriculum through the unique lens of public education and the role it plays in our democratic society. Based out of the historical classroom in the Carl Safran Centre (formally Calgary Collegiate Institute) discover how learning in the community is unique for every student. Looking at the world… seeing what is possible. Explore how historical  Continue Reading »
