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Guided Reading Books for Mandarin Bilingual Program

With the rise of technology our world is becoming increasingly smaller; today’s students are truly global citizens, and having an understanding and appreciation of different cultures is enormously beneficial. Bilingual programming is one way to help prepare students for a wealth of opportunities post-graduation, and Calgary Board of Education (CBE) schools have an ever-increasing range Continue Reading »
Using Music to Improve Reading and Math Skills in Annie Foote School

Xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels – these are just some of the new additions to the music program at Annie Foote School, but the new instruments are not only making their mark in music class. Annie Foote has a large population of students who are English Language Learners (ELL), and finding opportunities for these students to Continue Reading »
How Robotics Can Develop Skills for the Future

You may be wondering what a robotics program is, or how is it significant to student learning. Robotics is an interdisciplinary brand of science that involves engineering the conception, design and operations of mechanical robots. Sounds like a mouthful, right? Well it is – and students are able to transfer their knowledge in STEM (science, Continue Reading »
Niitsitapi Preschoolers Need New Outdoor Play Activities

The Niitsitapi Learning Centre is a unique school that focuses on Early Education for Indigenous students. Children from Kindergarten to Grade Two get a head start on learning while nurturing their cultural background. The Centre teaches the Alberta Program of Studies through First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences. One of EducationMatters’ primary mandates Continue Reading »
Windows Into Our World

Moving to a new place can be daunting, but imagine the upheaval of moving coupled with the added complication of not speaking the native language of your new home. An already stressful and potentially isolating experience becomes even more so, and can make the transition for children of immigrants incredibly difficult. Falconridge School in Calgary’s Continue Reading »
Adding Student Voice to Design Thinking

The summer sun may still be shining, but we’re guessing the staff and students at Marlborough School are getting pretty excited for the new school year to kick-off. With a grant from EducationMatters, Marlborough spent the past school year planning the transformation of its existing library into a modern learning commons.
Holiday Newsletter 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, we want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.
G.W. Skene School: Playground Build

A playground build, the urban equivalence to a barn rising, was built October 2013 at G.W. Skene School. This rebuild will be a collaborative effort thanks to the KaBOOM! Organization (KaBOOM!), The Foresters Group, and the Calgary Learning Village Collaborative. KaBOOM! is the national non-profit dedicated to giving kids the childhood they deserve Continue Reading »
Aboriginal Leadership and Connection Circle

The Louise Dean School (LDS) is a high school for pregnant and parenting teenage girls. 30 percent of LDS students are of Aboriginal descent; the Aboriginal Leadership and Connection Circle Program at the Louise Dean School is intended to help girls who are vulnerable in society and have an increased risk of dropping out of Continue Reading »